Matt Richards

Genesis 50:19 But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. (Nlt)
What you intended for evil God intended for good.
You know as we have discussed Joseph truly went through some real bad things.
Betrayed and sold by his own family,
accused of rape, imprisoned. Just bad, bad stuff. When I am tempted to have a pity party; I remember Joseph.
But here's the thing, he didn't become bitter, angry,and full of unforgiveness or self pity.

The whole experience built character in him which in turn helped him to carry his call and fulfill his dream. You know you maybe going through some bad stuff right now, or you might be able to relate to the rejection, betrayal and bullying Joseph went though. But know this, no matter if the devil wanted to kill you or people mistreat you, God can, and will turn it around for good. Not only turn it around for your good, but others good too; that He might save the lives of many. Your experience, your faithfulness, can be the very thing that leads people to Jesus, even those who have been doing you harm. God doesn't want you to be bitter, God doesn't want you even to be just a survivor. He wants everything that was planned to harm you to be turned to good. He will use those same plans that the devil drew up, to not only bless your life, but save many other lives too. Even bad plans can become good plans with Jesus. Prayer:
Father thank You for the great turn around. Thank You that You have great intentions and plans for my life and You will use my experiences, even bad ones for Your Glory. Forgive me for feeling sorry for myself help me to trust You today in Jesus name amen.
