Matt Richards

Isaiah 64:7 And there is no one who calls on Your name, Who stirs himself up to take hold of You;For You have hidden Your face from us, And have consumed us because of our iniquities.
I want to be that one.
“I was getting very desperate. I knew no one who had what I wanted… But I knew that if what I had was all the Christianity there was, the thing was a fraud.”
- Oswald Chambers
(before the baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Chambers got a Holy dissatisfaction with his present experience of Christianity. This discontent came from above. Deep calls to deep and sets you up for an encounter.
Before every move of God there has been a Holy dissatisfaction in God's people. Whether it was John Kilpatrick, Claidio Freidzon, Oswald Chambers, or you. Know that the Holy Spirit is stirring you to seek His face and go after the 'more.'
Revival is coming.
Father I know there's more. Thank You for the hunger You've put in me. Give me Holy Ghost cravings and let it increase. Like Jacob I awaken and stir myself up and take hold of You. I call on Your name Jesus and say You have got to come in Your power and in Revival. It's time and start with me in Jesus' Name amen.