Psalm 5:3 In the morning You hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart]. (AMP)
Every morning you'll hear me at it again. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on your altar and watch for fire to descend. (MSG)
This Christian life all flows from devotion to the Lord every day. You know most people that go to church don't read their bibles, pray, or worship God each day.
You can be religious and go to a church and be entertained once or twice a week; and it can be exciting, but it's still religion; just religion with bells on.
You see that doesn't impress me. What I want to see, what I want to be is someone who daily spends time with God (alone). Someone that knows the secret place.
I want to be someone that gets up early and spends time with the Lord. I want to Love and Worship God at the beginning of the day. I want to have time waiting on Him getting to know Him and listening to His Voice.
I want to hear Him speak to my heart every day. Once or twice a week is just not gonna do it for me. Someone else's revelation is not going to do it for me. I want God for myself. This Jesus thing it's got to be personal.
Everything including ministry flows from devotion, flows from waiting on the Lord.
Can't wait, won't wait will never sustain anything.
I want to, I've got to wait on Him. I have got to spend time with Jesus everyday.
Yes I'm at it again, laying out the pieces of my life before Him on the altar of devotion waiting for the fire to descend.
Father forgive me for just being religious. I want it to be personal. I choose to rebuild the altar of devotion daily to You. Let me be at it again this day and this week that the fire may fall, in Jesus' Name Amen.