Aiden Matthams

Hebrews 4:15,16 "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
I love the compassion of God.
There's something so wonderful and awesome about seeing someone weeping at the feet of Jesus as the mercy and love of God is poured out on them!
You know it's those who come boldly before Christ and regardless of who's looking or what it may look like, throw themselves in front of Him that receive His grace and mercy.
That's beautiful faith. In the Gospels, we see this many times, that people come and fall on their face before Him. Lepers, prostitutes, fathers and mothers who's children where sick...And all recieved what they where asking for.
You know sometimes we overcomplicate it.
We over emphasize ourselves and get our eyes off Him.
If there's something you need and deeply desire from the Lord, forgiveness, healing, a miracle, His touch on your life...sometimes the only option is to throw yourself before Him and cry out from your heart. He's not offended by that kind of prayer.
In fact, if you will humble yourself, He will lift you up. It's a mystery that boldness and humility go hand in hand...but they do.
So whatever your situation, whatever the day of need that you're in, come boldly to the throne of His grace.
Father we come to You with confidence that you can do the impossible. We throw ourselves at Your feet today as we ask for Your grave and mercy to be poured out. It's a day of need in our lives, a day of need in our families, a day of need in our church, and a day of need in our nation! Lord have mercy.
In Jesus' name Amen.