Matt Richards

Isaiah 8:11-14 The LORD has given me a strong warning not to think like everyone else does. He said, “Don’t call everything a conspiracy, like they do, and don’t live in dread of what frightens them. Make the LORD of Heaven’s Armies holy in your life. He is the one you should fear. He is the one who should make you tremble. He will keep you safe. (Nlt)
---- You know this jumped out at me this morning. You know i believe most of the recent conspiracy theories regarding the virus, vax, lockdowns, government control etc are true. But here's the thing it can become an unholy obsession. People spend hours days, weeks even studying it. And instead of it mobilising them to love Jesus more and win souls, it paralyses them with fear and gets them right depressed. I know because eighteen months or so ago that was me. I am not going to be ignorant, but likewise I just haven't got time to watch every video people send me. I know most of its true; so can we just move on now; know it's end times, win the lost and spread the Gospel. The world, hollywood, governments, big pharma, education, music industry, the media etc etc are corrupt and always been corrupt. This is not new. But i choose to focus on Jesus the solution. The author and finisher of ny Faith. Why not send people the Gospel in a video and win people for Christ? I dare you to send this to all your friends. (Thirty minute Billy Graham film 'the worth of a soul'.) Because you know the most relevant conspiracy theory right now is: we are lost without Jesus on our way to hell. The Gospel, Jesus is the answer. And you know what there is Hope. And whats more:' He will keep you safe'. Prayer:
Father thank You that even though all this crazy stuff is happening, even though there is a corrupt agenda You are my hope and You keep me safe. I choose today to focus on You. Help me Holy Spirit to tell others the good news today in Jesus name amen.