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Continual Feast


Aiden Matthams

Proverbs 15:15 'All the days of the afflicted are evil, But he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.'

How you keep your heart in times of affliction is important. He who keeps a sweet spirit will feast on what God has.

If you can decide to stay joyful no matter what happens, that goes a long way.

Because God invites us to the continual feast. There is no famine in God's kingdom. There's plenty of spiritual goodness to be had, and there's plenty of joy, peace, power, and victory to take a hold of, and there's always something new to learn about God from his word.

There is daily bread.

But if circumstances and situations begin to crowd your heart and you let discouragement or stress bring you down, it can be easy to get your eyes off of the feast that's set before you, and instead be focused on your problems.

But in feasting on God's word, and feasting on the spiritual goodness that God provides, that's where the victory comes.

Psalm 23:5 'You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.'

You will always have enemies, until you get to heaven. In this life, satan will come against God's people. But God has provided the continual feast of victory and anointing.

God brings us to this place where our cup can run over continuously, without going dry, running out of wine as it were.

That's where we want to be.


Lord thank You for the continual feast of Your word, Your joy and peace, and Your anointing. Thank You that there's victory at the table, even in the midst of enemies. I chose today to keep a merry heart and a sweet spirit! In Jesus' name Amen.


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