Matt Richards

Hebrews 12:5 And have you forgotten the encouraging words God spoke to you as his children? He said, “My child, don’t make light of the LORD’s discipline, and don’t give up when he corrects you. For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”
. ---- Encouragement doesn't agree with my sin. Encouragement says hey you have great potential and can do better. You belong to Jesus now. Encouragement sometimes means discipline, and correction, Wow i thought that was the opposite of encouragement. That makes me feel worse, not better. There is a trend today in 'church' to just speak positively, not to mention sin and not to correct anything for fear of offending and discouraging. Well although it sounds good, that's not true biblical encouragement. True encouragement here is saying don't make light of Gods discipline. This discipline, this correction means you are a son or daughter and He loves you. If all we hear is affirming words we are in danger of not really being fully loved and not really maturing. It's no good me walking hand in hand with a brother as he walks off a cliff. My encouragement when i know where he is heading is really not helpful in the light of eternity. You see real love warns, corrects, admonishes. That's true encouragement, but not necessarily the encouragement i want or like. I don't want a church full of illegitimate children; of bastards. I want to raise those loved enough to receive the Father's correction. Sons n daughter's. I so want us to be a balanced church. I want the Lord to encourage us even it means correcting us. I am encouraging today not to be bastard. Prayer:
Father forgive me for not wanting correction. Help me Holy Spirit to know the Fathers love and to know correction as Your child in Jesus name amen.