Matt Richards

Isaiah 26:18 We were pregnant full-term. We writhed in labor but bore no baby. We gave birth to wind. Nothing came of our labor. We produced nothing living. We couldn't save the world.
I preached a sermon once 'farting to fruitfulness' (yes, I'm not sure people were ready for the title yet alone the preach).
The truth is without Jesus we can do nothing. The bible says we can make a lot of effort, do a lot of straining, even have strategy, but no baby, no new life. Nothing in fact...but a fart.
A bad smell, an embarrassment. (I'm sorry if this offends you but this is in the bible whatever version you read).
So is my life, is your life producing fruit? or is it just a lot of hot air? A bad smell.
There's a lot of hot air in lives and churches including mine. But what I want to see, what I want to produce is fruit.
Lives Radically Saved and Changed.
Manifestations of the Holy Ghost or so called manifestations don't impress me.
You can shake rattle and roll (and this doesn't scare me either). You can groan, shout or be in labour pains and that's all okay, but show me your fruit. Otherwise when you get up off the floor, when the groanings end it's all just flatulence without substance.
Oh for encounters of God that produce babies. Intercession that births the supernatural. Souls being Saved; lives being changed.
Father forgive me for self-effort without substance. Help me to be fruitful not talk about stress and strive about, but bring forth real fruit that remains in Jesus' Name Amen.