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Good Things Are Laid Up


Aiden Matthams

Psalms 31:19 "Oh, how great is Your goodness, Which You have laid up for those who fear You, Which You have prepared for those who trust in You. In the presence of the sons of men!"

Just a quick word of encouragement for us today! There are good things stored up for those that fear God.

In the natural, this seems to be a season of negative forecasts.

"The coronavirus is coming to get you!"

"The economy is collapsing!"


"Political unrest" etc. etc.

Thankfully we have a God who promises good to those that fear Him. It's time to switch off the forecast of the world and remember the promise of the Lord.

The title of Psalm 31 is "The Lord, A Fortress in Adversity." That's exactly who our God is.

David was a man that new adversity. Time and time again the odds were stacked against him, but he always ran to God. And we have his experience and his testimonies to look back on in the word and remember for today!

So claim this over yourself today!


Thank You Father that You have promised good to those that fear You!

We choose to trust You in these seasons of adversity, that You are God and You have good things still laid up for us.

Thank You that there is a glory about to be poured out upon Your holy remnant!

We are in faith for revival today in Jesus' name. Amen!


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