Matt Richards

2 Timothy 4:1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season.
You know what we need in church that's more important than anything is to preach the Word (the bible).
For it is the Word of God that is powerful, living, and life changing.
This passage goes onto say the Word is to show people what's wrong in their lives. To convince, to rebuke, to warn, to urge, correct, and encourage people.
The Bible says in the last days there will be a famine of the Word. And people with be more interested in wife's tales, in stories than the challenging of God's Word.
When people ask me what do you think of this? or what do you think of that?
I always respond with "well there might be this opinion or that opinion but what's important is not what I say or popular opinion says; but what does the Word of God say?"
I always encourage people to ask the question: is it in the bible?
Everything we do in church, and in our lives for that matter should be according to the Word.
Don't be frightened to ask the question 'what does the bible say about that?'
And in a world of motivational talks preach the Word.
In this crazy season of lockdown preach the word, be ready.
Father thank You for Your Word. Help me to preach the truth in love and be ready to preach the Word whether in fashion or not, in season or out in, Jesus' Name Amen.