Matt Richards
(FB Memory 2019)

John 19:30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, It is finished! And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
In World War 2, Japan invaded the Philippines. One soldier Hiroo Onoda was told to gather intelligence and cause chaos and never ever to surrender.
Onoda and his troop did this. Two months after their arrival, the allies, the Americans arrived and the war was soon declared over.
Japan surrendered; but not Onoda.
Leaflets were dropped telling Onoda and his troop that the war had ended and to return.
Onoda did not believe the infirmation and thinking it is a trick he continued with his gorilla warfare.
A year later more leaflets dropped with a message telling him the war was over from the Japnese commander. He still he did not believe.
Onoda and his men continued to live in the jungle eating fruit, killing cows for food and causing havoc with locals.
Several of Onoda's men died or surrendered leaving Onoda eventually alone.
It wasn't until 1974, Yes 1974!
29 tears later that Onoda finally surrendered/stood down.
You know some people reading this are fighting a battle that's already over.
Some are even fighting people they shouldn't.
A battle God never told you to fight. A battle that has already been won.
You can think you are being faithful, even resilient but you need to know it is finished.
Some battles are already over. Jesus has already won and all we do is listen to our commander and walk by faith in the victory already purchased.
Are you fighting and struggling in a battle that's legally already finished?
Are you trying to continue things that are rightfully finished already?
What Jesus did on the cross for me was a perfect work. It was enough. It is enough and it will be enough.
The cross is perfect in every respect, perfect in every aspect.
Derek prince
Jesus has done all He is going to do and it was a landslide victory. Now walk it out by faith and enter into the fulness of the cross.
It is finished.
Father thank You that it truly is finished. Forgive me for fighting battles You have already won. I choose to live by faith and walk out ths victory in my life on Jesus name Amen.