Matt Richards

1 Timothy 2;3 This is good and pleases God our Saviour, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For, There is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.
----- There is only one way. One path to God. One Saviour and His name is Jesus. Jesus never said he was 'a way'. Never said like numerous people i speak to that:' there are many paths to God.' Never said that. Jesus said "I am the Way"(the truth and the life) There aren't many ways, not many 'truths'. But One way. It's Jesus. And you know what God wants EVERYBODY to be Saved. How awesome is that. Everybody . Only Jesus can reconcile, that's make right and re- connect people to God. Through Jesus death on the cross; he became a bridge, so we can connect with God. And this message. This Gospel, still has power to radically change lives. And this message for everyone comes at the RIGHT time. What time is it? It's time, the right time to respond to this invitation and get right with God. It's the right time to spread the good news news that you can be made right, reconciled to God through Jesus death on the cross. The right time to tell others. In this Christmas season that is almost upon us, it truly is the right time to tell every one the Gospel message. What ate you waiting for: It's time, the right time.. Prayer:
Father thank You for Jesus. Thank You He paid the price for my sin. Thank You through Jesus death on the cross i can be made right with God. I choose to turn from my sin, my old life, and turn to You. Forgive me, make me new. Take over my life. Help me to tell this to others this week in Jesus name Amen