Matt Richards

Isaiah 42:3 A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench.
--- This verse came to me the other day. You know you may feel you are battered and bruised. Discouraged. Wanting to give up. You may feel your fire has all but gone out. But it hasn't. I don't know who I am talking too right now. But i want you to know your fire although smothered, although flickering, smouldering even has not gone out. Jesus does not despise you: but loves you. He will restore you. You feel like your breaking but you will not be broken. He will not break you, or deprive you of the fire but restore the years the locusts have eaten. Jesus loves the smokers, and the bruisers so, so much; too much to leave you alone to die. Let the Holy Spirit start to heal the bruises, and breathe into your heart and set you on fire again. You are not despised: but loved. Jesus loves the smokers. Prayer:
Father Thank You that i might be under great strain, but i will not break. I renounce the lie that You despise me. Holy spirit heal my bruises, Jesus blow now into the embers of my heart right now that i might burn for you today in Jesus Name amen