Aiden Matthams

1 John 3:22-23 "And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment."
Just a thought for the day, there are 2 important keys to answered prayer in this passage.
The first key is to believe in the name of Jesus. Hebrews 11:6 says. "...anyone who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
So faith is key number one. Seems simple enough, I know, but sometimes it's the simple things that we Christians stumble upon the most.
Do you believe that He is? Do you believe He hears you? Do you believe that what you're asking God to do is surely going to happen? Are you holding tightly to His faithful promises? Is faith alive in your heart? These are important questions.
Key number 2 is that we love one another. Now, this one causes MANY to stumble. You can be in faith, you can be super keen, super zealous for God, super spiritual, super enthusiastic, BUT if you don't love your brothers and sisters, your prayers will be hindered. It's a fact.
A church that has unity and love will be a powerful weapon for the Kingdom of God.
So what does it mean to love each other?
This is an important question, because again something this simple can often be a major stumbling block.
It means to lay aside all malice, put away petty criticisms, forgive or apologise for any and all wrong doings, keep no vengeance or bitterness in your heart, stop pointing the finger at other people's flaws, renounce gossip, jealousy, any and all pride, and then with a pure heart, choose to serve. Chose to help somebody up, instead of pushing them down.
Instead of attacking people with your words, speak life. Never let kindness leave you. Speak the truth in love, instead of cutting people down.
Those who show mercy will be shown mercy.
I dare you to try this out. Love and help somebody that irritates you and see what God does. Love someone unlovable, forgive the unforgivable, show mercy to someone who doesn’t deserve it, and then just watch God move! Love covers a multitude of sin.
So let's come to God today with faith and with a pure heart. He is willing to forgive, willing to answer prayer and willing to heal.
Father I believe in the name of Jesus. Help me to have a heart full of faith and a heart full of love for others. I renounce any and all wrong attitudes and I ask you to forgive any and all sin that would hinder my prayers. Teach me to walk in faith and love others every day, in Jesus' name Amen.