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Messy Church (Memory) 

Matt Richards

Acts 2:15 For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

Holy Spirit will use anything to speak to me. This bus sign is no exception.

You know there has been times I have wanted church in a certain order, and so does God. But God's order is different to ours.

He often wants pride and respectability broken.

His idea of a great service and ours are often miles apart. God often likes messy church.

If we lift Him up, He will draw people to Him.

Holy Ghost church; if done right is messy.

We often say in Radical we have messy church without the childrens craft.

On the day of Pentecost it got messy. Holy Ghost turned up. There was a rushing mighty wind and they left the upper room with their hair on fire.

They were speaking in tongues and looked like they were drunk.

It was truly messy church.

I am not ashamed of the Holy Spirit. Church if done right is messy. But what a glorious mess when God steps down.

Some of the best meetings I've been in are where people are touched with the fire of God.

People falling, people crying, shaking, demons screaming as they come out. A Holy mess.

Today in church, the man leading the service just fell under the glory of God shaking violently like he was plugged into an electric socket. He couldn't stand, he couldn't minister.

I tried to take over but couldn't speak English.

People crying, shaking, laughing, prohesying.

It was truly glorious, messy church.

You know if done right church can be messy. And that's the best church ever.

Jesus wants His church back and I'm not getting in the way. There's some agendas He wants to mess up. Let's do it right: Holy Spirit right.

"Invade me, invade me, Holy Spirit invade me."

"Holy Spirit take over. Holy Spirit take over."


Father thank You so much for Holy Ghost messy church. Thanks for messing up our service. I give You full permission to mess up everything in my life for Your Glory. Your order in my life. Invade me, Holy Spirit invade me in Jesus' Name Amen.

As you listen to this song ask the "Holy Spirit to invade you, for the Holy Spirit to take over. "



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