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Missionaries Don't Just Go To Africa: They Go To Asda

Matt Richards

Ephesians 5:16 Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil.
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the wholehuman race].

You know my once, Pastor David Pavit (now promoted to the premiership) had a sign (like this) over the door of ECC church.

I had made one for our office/House of Prayer, as I was inspired.

Because you can make the most of every opportunity. You don't need a platform. You are the platform. You can tell people about Jesus and pray for people in Asdas or the petrol station absolutely anywhere.

It's not complicated, you can just say

I don't understand it all but Jesus has changed my life.."come n see".

I encourage you today. You have a field. You have a ministry. Seize the opportunities given. The ones right infront of you.

Gypsy Lee use to say, when I see a person on crutches I think "customer". You see the sick, the unsaved, the messed up, and they are all potential customers.

There is a mission field out there. If we would only just open our eyes.

The fields are white unto harvest but the labourers are few.

In this lock down, reach out to people with the hope of the Gospel. It's an opportunity.

Wherever you are now:

"You are..entering the mission field."

Missionaries don't just go to Africa they go to Asda.

In fact they go to your school, your college, your home, and your workplace; wherever you go; be a missionary.

Our country is are a missionary sent by God.


Father thank You for every opportunity today to talk to people about Jesus.

Thank You that You send me, therefore everywhere is my mission field.

Help me to see a mighty harvest in my generation in Jesus' name, Amen.

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