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New Wineskin

Matt Richards

Psalm 119:83 For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, yet I have not forgotten your statutes.

You know, we truly believe that Jesus is looking for a church with a new wineskin. When you go through stuff in life and in church even, it's easy to become hard. Amplified says, '[a wineskin blackened and shriveled] in the smoke.' It's easy to let the smoke and the stuff that you have been through harden you and shrink your capacity. You can become inflexible, defensive, rigid. It's kind of a way of protecting yourself, but it's not good. Jesus is wanting a wineskin that's soft, pliable that's not going to split or perish with the new wine. A church that can contain His Glory. A people who can move when He says move. Have you lost your passion? Have you become hard and crusty? What have you become? Steve Uppal recently said, that with old wineskins they often clean them and then soak them in oil to bring the softness back. Oh how we need to be cleaned out and soaked in the Holy Spirit; in the anointing oil at this time. Prayer:

Father I have become hard and inflexible. Please soak me today in the oil of the Holy Spirit. Restore, refresh, and revive me that I might contain your Glory in Jesus' name, Amen.

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