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One Place, One Accord: Let Heaven Come


Aiden Matthams

Acts 2:1-2 "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."

Christianity is a life of power from Heaven.

I believe that EVERY follower of Christ should by necessity, experience, and receive a power encounter with the mighty Holy Spirit.

Many times we as the church at large have been guilty of leaving Him out of the equation, and going about life and business as usual, but truly, without power and without Holy Spirit, it's very hard, impossible in fact to make real progress.

The Lord wants His church on fire and I believe He is preparing us as a community to empower and equip each one with the anointing from Heaven.

So our job is to be in one accord! Often, when God prepares to move mightily in our midst, He first has to do a work in our hearts to bring a spirit of unity and authentic love for one another.

There is a camaraderie among God's people that can only come through the work of the Spirit. Paul said to the church in Corinth: "be joined together in one mind." (1 Corinthians 1:10)

He knew that when we all get on the same page, and we all get our hearts set on God's glory and begin to work together as a tribe, anything is possible and the anointing will increase and God's manifest presence among us will bring about the awesome results that we read in the book of Acts.

Let's raise the bar. Let's come together as one with our hearts set on authentic revival! Anything is possible. I believe Jesus Fest is going to be an explosive time of God's manifest glory and power.

Praying for and expecting the sound of Heaven to come rushing in!


Father, give us a heart for unity and a heart for revival. We renounce all offence and petty arguments. We seek one thing: that You would be glorified in our midst, and that we would see Your Kingdom advancing in our homes, families, neighbourhoods, cities, counties, and regions in Jesus' mighty Name amen!


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