Matt Richards
(Memory 2014)

Acts 15 ‘After this I will return And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down
I believe the time for entertaining man is over. God is looking for a people who will entertain and embrace Him.
I can remember as a teenager being transformed by the praise and worship in Mt Zion Church. Sometimes it went on for two hours and in it I encountered God. I thank God for those days; days of wonder. I would not be doing what I'm doing today without that experience.
So We are changing everything at Radical so that we will try our best to restore the tabernacle of David. (That's prophetic worship for all people.) David in praise and worship returned the presence of The Lord to His people.
It's time for the presence of God to return to Norwich. And it comes through praise and worship, not entertainment. Send Judah first.
Presents or presence?
Forgive us Father for making it all about us and entertaining man. Lord we want to give You Your portion. We want to rebuild a tabernacle of praise. We want to make it all about You. We praise and Glorify You today in Jesus' Name, Amen.
