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Prove The Will Of God


Aiden Matthams

Romans 12:2 "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

Another excellent principle for faith and life as a Christian is this: find out what the will of God is, and then prove it! Prove it to yourself, prove it to your friends/family and prove it to the watching world! 

I want to be living proof that God is real, and that the bible is true. I want to prove that faith in God is not some fairytale life for crazy people who don't live in the real world.

Take Noah, for example. God told him that a flood was coming and that he needed to build an ark. But it was up to Noah to prove the will of God, by responding in faithful obedience, even when others would have said he's crazy.

Find out what the will of God is and then prove it for yourself.

How do we know what the will of God is?

The Bible and the Holy Spirit will tell us!

For example, I know that it's the will of God to pour out His Spirit in the last days, because it says so in the book of Joel and in acts chapter 2.

So, with everything inside me, I want to prove that it's TRUE, I want to believe God for an outpouring of His SPIRIT and experience revival in these last days.

I know that it's the will of God to heal sickness and diseases. So by faith, I'm going to pursue and maintain health and healing in my own mind, soul, and body and I'm going to seek to see the sick healed, because it's the will of God.

The gospel is the will of God. He doesn't want any man to perish. It's the will of God that all men would repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. So I'm going to do my best to share the gospel, win souls and pray for lost sinners to be saved.

So! Find out what the will of God is FOR YOURSELF. See what jumps out when you read God's word. See what the Holy Spirit says to you!

Then, when you have His word for your life, HOLD ON TO IT and obey it, as best you can, until it's proven in your life.


Father help me to prove the will of God in my life

I want to be walking proof that You are real! I want people to see Your blessings on my life and be provoked to believe God for themselves! Speak to me, and teach me to renew my thoughts and behaviour until it matches who You are and what You want! In Jesus' name, Amen.


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