Aiden Matthams

Collisions 1:12-14 "He(God) has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins."
Getting saved is so much more than just saying a prayer and joining a church. When you put your faith in Christ, and turn towards God, there's a great deal of things that happen along with it. He delivers us from darkness. Thank God for that. When you get saved you are qualified for total deliverance from all demons, all darkness and all bondage. It's the will of God that you and I walk in total freedom from depression, fear, sin, sickness and torment. And in Christ, we have redemption through His blood. Redemption is so wonderful. It means bought back and restored to original value and design. That means that whatever has happened to you, however messed up your past has been and whatever scars and wounds you have had, can all be totally healed and erased as if it never even happened...all because of Christs blood. And that's what being forgiven of sins is about. Forgiveness of sins through the blood makes everything else God has become freely available by grace through faith. If you are forgiven, then why should your past still judge you? In fact the verse before it says God himself qualifies us for the inheritance. So that's good news. Something worth meditating on this morning 🙏 Prayer:
Father, thank You for forgiving us and qualifying us for all these good things. Thank You fir the blood and thank You for redemption. We chose to receive all that You have for us, in Jesus name amen