Matt Richards

Jude 1:2 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
The Amplified says, 'keep you from stumbling or slipping or falling,'
; the Message says, 'keep you on your feet, standing tall.'
You know God is the author and finisher of our faith. What He: Jesus has started in you, He is able to continue and complete.
Sometimes we start off our Christian journey supernaturally with the Spirit of God, it's nothing short of miraculous; but then not long after we try to do it ourselves, we end up stumbling, slipping, and falling.
I need, you need, to let go and let God. Let God help us walk our walk. His Holy Spirit helps us to stand. And stand tall. Holy Spirt makes us presentable.
In my own strength I can do nothing and will fall. But with His strength working within me I can do all things.
In these difficult times know that God has not become socially distant from you and you don't have to be isolated from Him.
He is still ABLE to look after you if you will let him. You can't maintain your Christian walk at a spiritual distance; but He can help you if you would allow him to come close
One of my children got into a pickle the other day and needed to put a life vest on. They just couldn't do it alone.
I offered to help but because they were upset with me they yelled "get away from me I don't need your help" and continued to struggle and get in a mess.
Oh how I can be like this with my Heavenly Father. Upset, angry even needing help but refusing all support when offered because of my pride.
Right now we need all the help we can get..
Father forgive me for struggling to do things in my strength. Forgive me for my pride. For being angry and refusing help. Thank You that when I am not able You are. Help me at this time to be presentable to stand tall. Come close and help me Jesus today, Amen.