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Self on a shelf

Writer's picture: Matt RichardsMatt Richards

Matt Richards

Philippians 2:19 I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.

--- In a world of uncertainty its easy for Christians to end up 'looking out for themselves, with little concern for the things of Jesus' (msg) ... When bad things happen; self-preservation kicks in and we can end up just looking after our own interests. Looking after self. In ministry too, even when things are going well, its easy to look out for, promote and advance our own interests and not the interests of Jesus. You see many have been taught we are the centre of the universe and God is some kind of 'cosmic genie' that will grant us our wishes and desires. That essentially: it's all about self. Here's the thing God doesn't serve me I serve Him. I don't want Him to bless my plans, get involved in my ministry and vision I want to get involved in His vision and His mission. It's not about my empire, my preaches, my achievements, my picture feeding a homeless person this Christmas (If you can't say amen say ouch) In fact it's not about me.. Its not about (my) self at all. It's all about Jesus. It's time for me to take self of the shelf, off the pulpit, out off the programme and the church and put self back in the box. Oh to be like John the Baptist, 'that I might decrease and He might increase' So lets aspire be like John and Timothy: to seek the 'interests of Jesus' and not self. Prayer:

Father forgive me for making everything about me. Forgive me for self promotion. Holy Spirit help me to do what Glorifies Jesus today. In Jesus name amen.


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