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Speaking Makes it Happen


Aiden Matthams

Colossians 4:2-4 "Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak."

Paul here is asking for prayer, that he would have more open doors and opportunities to preach the Gospel, so that the mystery of Christ can be made manifest.

The thing that jumped out at me is that speaking the word of God is how you make the mystery of Christ manifest.

Reinhardt Bonke used to say, 'the gospel is only powerless when it is unpreached.'

But when you preach it and speak it, the kingdom of God and the mystery of Christ is manifested!

That's why, satan wants to shut down preachers and shut down churches and close doors to the gospel because when we preach, God's kingdom is manifested! So keep preaching!

But what's interesting to me, is that speaking is how you make it manifest.

Speaking is how you bring it about.

Maybe you're waiting for God to do something in your life, maybe you need God's kingdom to manifest in some area, well here it says that SPEAKING is the key to that breakthrough.

"to speak the mystery of Christ...that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak."

I know that here, Paul is talking about ministering the gospel to others, but you can apply this to yourself and your circumstances too.

Speak Jesus over your life. Speak the mystery of Christ over yourself and over your family, over circumstances, over your health...preach truth to yourself until the kingdom is manifested in your heart and life. You can actually talk yourself in to the breakthrough that you need..

"The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart" (that is the word of faith we preach)".

Romans 10:8

The opposite is true too. You can talk yourself in to it, you can talk yourself out of it. So choose today to talk yourself in to all that God has! Don't say what satan says, don't say what your flesh wants to say, speak the word!


Father I thank You for Your word! I pray for opportunities to make the mystery of Christ manifest in my life and in the lives of those I meet today! Help me to speak as I ought to speak, so that I can make Christ known and see his power in my circumstances! In Jesus name, Amen!


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