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Study the Book!


Aiden Matthams 

Joshua 1:8 "Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do."

As we fast and pray this year, it's a vital thing to get in to the scriptures too.

Nothing can replace the word of God in your life. Someone said "Praying is like breathing, and meditating on the word is like eating. One can not replace the other. We need both."

Another translation says "keep this word continually on your lips."

It doesn't mean you have to read your bible 24hrs a day, because you can meditate on what you've been reading through your day.

A great thing to do is to find some scriptures that stand out to you and start speaking them out once or twice day. Chew them over until it really starts to get in your spirit.

Nothing can't take it's place, it will bring about changes that other things can't.

And the great thing is, the Lord promises success when we get hold of his word for ourselves.


God Thank You for Your word, teach me to study, and meditate on Your word, and then to obey what I've read.

Father God, I ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that I can grow in my knowledge of You. In Jesus' name, Amen.


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