Matt Richards

Matthew 7:13
Don't look for shortcuts to God. The market is flooded with surefire, easygoing formulas for a successful life that can be practiced in your spare time. Don't fall for that stuff, even though crowds of people do.
Sorry they don't exist. The Christian walk is not always easy. Don't be conned into thinking that there are shortcuts and that you can have it all without any effort.
If Jesus is just a hobby or an interest that you add to your life without changing anything, it just won't work.
Be full time, pay the cost. When I don't spend time with God, in prayer, worship, and the Word, everything changes and I struggle in my walk.
Rather than read a book on shortcuts to a successful life why not read the bible, pray, and praise. If you throw yourself into this Jesus life with all your heart it really works.
Father forgive me for looking for shortcuts. Forgive me for not doing my bit. Forgive me for reading about stuff and not doing anything. Help me to be real and walk with you everyday. I choose not to be a part-time Christian but full-time no matter the cost, in Jesus' Name. Amen
Consider making:
1. Commitment to reading the bible each day..even reading the whole bible in a year.
2. Fasting in January (Daniel fast, partial fast or 21 days of water).