Matt Richards

John 4:49-51 The official pleaded, “Lord, please come now before my little boy dies.” Then Jesus told him, “Go back home. Your son will live!” And the man believed what Jesus said and started home. While the man was on his way, some of his servants met him with the news that his son was alive and well.
Great passage this. This man's son was sick unto death. Oh for a generation of men who would leave a town called Capernaum (meaning sorrow, condolences, comfort), who would move away from a culture that can only offer comfort to a place where Jesus is.
For the sake of his son this man walked 26 miles away from the comfort zone to get to Jesus; then he begged him to heal his boy.
That's prayer and intercession right there. But Jesus just spoke the word and the boy was healed.
There's such power in the bible, in the Word of God. Sometimes we want a miracle our way when all it takes is a Word.
Sometimes you have got to get desperate. Sometimes you have to get away from a people that can only offer you sympathy and "sorry" to a place where Jesus is.
When there in prayer refuse to be offended and listen and believe the Words of Jesus. Your family depends on you. What does Jesus, what does His Word say about your situation?
There is life giving power in the Word of God today. Get to where Jesus, open the bible, and pray, and believe.
Father thank You for Your Word. Thank You that Your Word brings life. Holy Spirit open up the word to me today that I might see my sons set free in Jesus' name.