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Today Is A Great Day For A Work Out

Writer's picture: Matthew Richards Matthew Richards

Matt Richards

Proverbs 5:22-23 The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin. He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.

This jumped out at me this morning. Proverbs is amazing and a chapter a day can really enrich your life.

This verse and phrase jumped out at me. 'He dies for lack of discipline.'

Ouch.. you know I'm all for grace I really am. But I tell you there's a place for a disciplined life. A place for being obedient to God's instruction.

If people would only spend time with God daily. Read the Word. Pray and be obedient to what His instruction is it would make all the difference.

Some things come from just pure grace and mercy, but other things come from an obedient and disciplined life.

Many people can be talented athletes, but decline to live a disciplined life so remain amateurs.

Likewise, you can have all the talent and gifts (spiritually or naturally) but unless you develop them you will never be who you're called to be.

As an athlete you have to change your diet, who you hang around with, how you spend your time, and you have to train.

Similarly as a Christian we have to work-out our Salvation. We have to apply it. We have to walk it out daily.

There are places I can't go, conversations I can't take part in, things I can't watch and do. I belong to Jesus. But there are many, many things I can do and these things make all the difference.

You know this Christian walk is like going to the gym .Please don't have a membership have all the potential to be a champion and then not show up or work out.

Today is a great day for a work out.


Father forgive me for being lazy. Thank You for all you've done and all you do for me. Help me today to do my part. Help me to live a disciplined life and work out, and walk out my Salvation in Jesus' name Amen.


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