Matt Richards

Please note: when I am writing this, hear my heart. The last thing we want in church is to crush and control people. This post comes from a place of wanting to see His church protected. We all make mistakes. Peter went from being Holy Spirit inspired saying Jesus you are the Son of God to toxic in a few moments, when Jesus said to him get behind me Satan after he said you're not going to the cross. Hear my heart. It's only when people perpetually cause division that this needs to be heeded. We haven't had to carry this through yet, but I am willing to as I fear God more than people pleasing.
Titus 3:10 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him
Romans 16:17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.
You know these scriptures seem so harsh. We want to love people, see the good in them and see them through to Glory.
And many times with new believers we have tolerated so much misunderstanding, rebellious behaviour, and craziness. And so we should, and always will.
And with non-Christians and baby Christians I feel this is appropriate.
Just like with a three year old you don't tell them off for missing the potty once.
But if someone is thirty years of age and doing the same, it's a problem that needs addressing.
The same is true in church. If someone is divisive. Stirring up trouble then warn them once, then twice. But then if continues remove them.
Seems so harsh. So hard. But so clear.
Because people who cause division, cause others to backslide, even go to hell.
In Proverbs 6 God states seven things He HATES. (Yes God hates) V19 and the last one is 'one who sows discord among brothers.'
God hates it when there is as the Message puts it 'a trouble maker in the family.'
We need to be peacemakers but at times, very rare times it means warning, correcting or even removing those causing division those trouble makers.
Note: I have never had to remove anyone from Radical. I have had to warn people who were committing adultery or gossiping for example, but never remove. Those people have then removed themselves rather than changing behaviour how sad.
Father Your word seems really harsh here. Help me to follow it. Give me wisdom today. Help me to love enough to protect others. Help me to facilitate a non-toxic church in Jesus' name amen.