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Where Do You Live?

Writer's picture: Matthew Richards Matthew Richards

Matt Richards



{to stay or live somewhere: to remain or continue}

John 15:7,8 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

It's all in Abiding. If (& it's conditional)

If You abide in Jesus and His Word abides in you then you can ask God what 'YOU' will or desire it will be done for you.

Wow that's an amazing promise.

I go to India every year to minister in the churches and visit the children.

Many people have said to me "I'd like to go but I don't have the money."

I always say to them based on this verse then, just decide to go and God provision will follow; and He does and it does.

I never have the money to go but go but according to John 15:7. I can. And I do.

For those who say: "if it's Gods will He will supply and if it's not I won't go". Guess what they never go & never will.

Having a 'Doris day' doctrine of "whatever will be will be" means basically; double mindedness and being conned out of what God wants for you. Never let lack of money stop you doing what God has called you to do.

When we spend time with the Lord and make Him our dwelling place and let His Word continue to get in us, our desires become His desires and He trusts us to decide some stuff. Why? It's all that the Father may be Glorified.

This passage has set me free from all that 'is it God's will stuff?' and brought great faith and blessing and provision. Where do you live? With fear? Double mindedness? Make your mind up .Change addresses live with Jesus stay, and remain in the Word, stay in faith.

Maybe it's going on mission trip to India and you don't have any money.

Maybe it's another God given desire or dream; Just ask and believe (make your mind up) and then thank the Lord for His promises, and let your Heavenly Father be Glorified as He supplies. It's all in abiding.Just ask.


Father thank You for Your promises. Thank You that if I abide in You and let Your Word abide in me I can ask what I desire and You will do it for me. So Father I want You to be Glorified and I want to bear much fruit. I choose to abide in You, let Your Word abide in me. Thank You for granting my desires as I ask now in Jesus' Name Amen.


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