Matt Richards

John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
An amazing friend in his 70s told me this story last week. He was ministering with his friend in Ireland and in between services went to a restaurant for a meal.
In the middle of the meal, a man (who he had never seen before) walked up to them and pointed at them and said "without Jesus you can do nothing so stop trying". He then walked out (never to be seen again).
I believe that man was a messenger, an angel. You see the truth is, the message is still the same.
It's all Jesus. Always was and always will be. When we think we can do it ourselves we need to be reminded without Jesus we can do NOTHING.
But with Jesus we can do all things. What's the secret? Abiding IN Jesus daily. Connect with Him today. Have you failed dismally? Reconnect. Re-fuel.
Father forgive me for thinking I can do anything without You. I really don't want to. I always end up in a mess. Lord I declare today I am totally dependent on You. If without you I can do nothing, then that means with YOU I can do all things in Jesus' Name Amen.