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You Crown The Year With a Bountiful Harvest


Updated: Dec 14, 2019

Aiden Matthams

Psalm 65:11 'You crown the year with a bountiful harvest;     even the hard pathways overflow with abundance.'

I'm believing God that will Crown the year with a bountiful harvest!

Something has got to give.

Sometimes we walk down hard pathways, and can think 'when is it going to happen?'

But I belive that the hard pathways and the difficult stuff that you and I have been/are going through, will soon overflow with abundance.

Don't stop and don't quit because harvest time is coming. A harvest of answered prayer.

It's good to recognise which season is which.

What you sowed yesterday, you will reap today. And what you sow today, you'll reap tomorrow.

Don't lose heart. I want to encourage everyone, including me, not to lose heart.

I'm choosing to trust that an abundance is on the way. In choosing to focus, even though my eyes are a bit heavy today. God has a plan, it's all worth it.

Don't give up.


Father, thank You for crowning the year with a harvest. You are looking after us. We are looking up to You. Thank You for a season to reap. We believe it Lord. Amen


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