We have public events where all are welcome. Other events are for the church family and invited friends.
Only public events are advertised here and all are welcome.
Below are a few pictures of what we have done in the past

A mission to the Isle of Wight.

We need each other so that we can build friendships and encourage each other to grow to be mature christians.

Working with King's Centre Kings Lynn

The Hope Bus has been on missions to London, The Isle of Wight and deepest darkest Kings Lynn and probably a few more places.

Praying or meeting outside the prison on Britannia Road. Jesus in the prisons. Jesus in the city. Jesus in the park.

You had to be there at our free festival - camping and praising God.

We had a workshop seeing how graffiti can transform a place with Jesus at the centre of all the art.

Tough Talk came to the Haymarket to spread the good news about Jesus and his power to save, heal and deliver.

There is a job for everyone so we try to get everyone involved and actively growing in a ministry .